“Forex K3M Direction Trading with Octopus Filter” – The system is highly effective on any currency pair. Besides, it is very flexible as any trader with some trading experience can extend the terms of opening and/or closing orders.

Trading NOTES
- DOWNLOAD these NON-REPAINT Tools For Making The Perfect Trade Entry (the best trading tools all traders MUST HAVE)
- Use a demo account or a small live account first to practice this trading system
It may help you to increase the obtained profit.
Thus, the system can be used by the trader with any qualification.
- Time Frame: H1 or higher
MetaTrader Trading Indicators
- K3M M1
- K3M M2
- K3M M3
- Direction
- Octopus 1
- Octopus 2
- Commodity Channel Index
BUY Rules
- K3M M1: Green bar
- K3M M2: Green bar
- K3M M3: Green bar
- Direction: Green arrow (Buy signal)
- Octopus 1: Green bar
- Octopus 2: Green bar
- Commodity Channel Index line: above level 50
SELL Rules
- K3M M1: Red bar
- K3M M2: Red bar
- K3M M3: Red bar
- Direction: Red arrow (Sell signal)
- Octopus 1: Red bar
- Octopus 2: Red bar
- Commodity Channel Index line: below level -50
Trading NOTES
- No Trading 1 hour before Reports / News
- Do not trade with money trading during the holiday period, check out the date yourself
- Use a demo account or a small live account first to practice this trading system