Perfect Trading System – Forex Multi NonLag MA Multi Stochastic Oscillator System and Strategy.

- DOWNLOAD these NON-REPAINT Tools For Making The Perfect Trade Entry (the best trading tools all traders MUST HAVE)
- Use a demo account or a small live account first to practice this trading system
MetaTrader 4 version of NonLag MA ( it is a “pure non lag ma“). It is a non-repainting indicator, it can be applied to previous indicator data (so it can be applied to any data or any indicator you use) and it is fast.
The stochastic oscillator is a momentum indicator comparing the closing price of a security to the range of its prices over a certain period of time.
The sensitivity of the oscillator to market movements is reducible by adjusting that time period or by taking a moving average of the result.
- Time Frame: H1 or higher
- Currency Pairs: Any
- NonLagMA V7
- Signal Bars
- Stochastic
- Download “TraderVersity.Com-MultiNonLagMAMultiStochastic” (Zip/RAR File).
- Copy mq4 and ex4 files to your Metatrader Directory …/experts/indicators/
- Copy the “TraderVersity.Com-MultiNonLagMAMultiStochastic.tpl” file (template) to your Metatrader Directory …/templates /
- Start or restart your Meta Trader Client.
- Select Chart and Time frame where you want to test your Forex system.
- Right-click on your trading chart and hover on “Template”.
- Move right to select “TraderVersity.Com-MultiNonLagMAMultiStochastic” trading system and strategy
- You will see “Forex Multi Non-Lag MA Multi Stochastic Oscillator Trading System” is available on your Chart
- NonLagMA V7 blue color
- NonLagMA (10) > NonLagMA (20)
- Stochastic (20, 12, 12) bullish
- Stochastic (5, 3, 3) bullish
- NonLagMA V7 blue color
- NonLagMA (10) > NonLagMA (20)
- Stochastic (20, 6, 6) bullish
- Stochastic (5, 3, 3) bullish
- NonLagMA V7 red color
- NonLagMA (10) < NonLagMA (20)
- Stochastic (20, 6, 6) bearish
- Stochastic (5, 3, 3) bearish
- Exit position options:
- When NonLag MA (10) changes color
- When stochastic 5,3,3 crosses
- Use a demo account or a small live account first to practice this trading system