Forex Heiken Ashi Moving Average (HAMA) Trading System is a trend momentum strategy based on Heiken Ashi, Moving Average, and MACD.
Trading NOTES
- DOWNLOAD these NON-REPAINT Tools For Making The Perfect Trade Entry (the best trading tools all traders MUST HAVE)
- Use a demo account or a small live account first to practice this trading system
The Golden line of the MACD cloud helps to interpret the trend and breakout levels.
- TimeFrames: 15 min or higher
- Currency Pairs: All Majors pairs
MetaTrader Trading Indicators
- MACD Averages
- XPS V.8 trend bars
- Fx Prime Final
- MACD 3D (5, 21,22, 50, 50)
- Touches line
BUY Rules
- MACD 3d above the golden line
- Blue bars
- Blue touchline
- Fx Prime final blue color
SELL Rules
- MACD 3d below the golden line
- Red bars
- Red touchline
- Fx Prime final red color